Sunday, November 16, 2014

KettleBelle and the Quest to Get Her Body Back!

I've done blogging in the past but it usually just ends up in me failing miserably at keeping it updated and thus, it falling into the dark abyss that is the forgotten corner of the internet. Scary.

But here we go again. This time - to really do something a little personal.

I've never really been the physically active type. I was on my 7th grade basketball team...and in highschool I was on the girl's golf team. Other than that, I really don't have much going for me in the physical department.

This became horrifyingly obvious when I weighed myself recently and found that I am the heaviest I've ever been in my life. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a fortunate gal. My weight does not keep me from being able to do everyday tasks. I can still even jog if I really want to (albeit for very short distances).

One thing that weight has done to me, however, is seriously destroy my self esteem. Feeling comfortable in your own skin is a major part of ensuring that you'll feel good in life. Right now - I don't feel that.

I work a normal 30-40ish hour job in an office where I sit at a desk. I come home and sit around on a computer or in front of the tv. I'm not moving at all. My blood circulation is completely shot, I can't carry groceries up my apartment stairs without getting winded, and I feel poopy. Nobody wants that!

Well, here's what needs to happen:

As it happens, my roommate from college has decided to become a personal fitness trainer. She was offering a discount one day on Facebook and I happened to be like, "Yo hey girl, send me some info, yeah?". And now here I am writing this. Crazy.

After telling her my goals and my current stats, she was nice enough to put together a wonderful nutrition plan and workout schedule for me. It officially starts tomorrow. 

I am terrified.

I've tried it all, working out at home alone, working out at home with friends, getting gym memberships, doing classes at gyms, the whole shebang. I suck at working out. A personal trainer is literally all I have left. I'm really hoping that she'll kick my ass into shape :o

Blogging isn't part of the deal here, but I'm hoping that by writing an update every week, I'll really be able to psych myself up about this whole process. I'm a little introverted, and I'm a little lazy (gasp), but I really do want to feel better about myself. I really want to get my body back. And with it - my self-esteem. I want to feel pretty. I want to feel strong. I want to feel awesome. So let's see if I can make it happen!

Now here's all the nitty gritty. This is where I currently stand:

(Wow, Posting pictures of myself is super embarrassing...but I think it's really important to this whole process for others to see my progress. Most importantly, its important for ME to see it. I mean, right?)

As of 11/16/14:
Bust: 38.5''ish
Waist: 37.5''ish
Hips: 43''ish
Height: 5'0''
Weight: 160-165ish (depending on the scale I use)
I can wear shits between medium and large sizes. My dress size is currently between a 12 and 14...I think.

Some History:
I still own my prom dresses because I love them and can't let them go. My Senior Prom dress is a small (no number). My junior year prom dress is a size 3. Here I am in both of them:



At the time that I was able to wear those dresses, I felt damn sexy. Now I know, being a post-graduate of college, that I can't expect to get my highschool body back. But why not?! At my lowest, I was 120lbs. That's without any muscle strength haha. I was tiny and petite and a weakling - though quick to scratch if you made me angry (yikes).

My goals for working out are to get back down to the 130 mark. Muscles aren't really a goal but they're part of this training and that's a perk. I've never muscled so maybe I don't know what I'm missing. If I can look less flabby and a little more badass, I'll take it!

My PT currently sits at the 160lbs mark and she's 5'11''. She could also break my body with her thighs. I can't really compare myself to that, but it's all I have to go off of right now. That and the fact that the BMI scale says I should be 95lbs - which is dumb yo. I'm pretty sure my mother would drag me to the doctor if I weighed that little. So let's find a happy medium.

I don't know what the next few weeks hold...but I really want to try and make this work and would appreciate any words of wisdom or motivation that anyone could afford to give me. I'm going to try and update this blog weekly so that my PT and I can keep a close eye on how I'm doing.

Here's hoping for the best. Stick around if you're interested :)

I'm gonna start working out and post my progress here. Watch if ya wanna!

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